The Numbers Will Illuminate Your Past, Clarify the Present, And Show You Your Future

Clarity with a Personalized Numerology Reading

By Franco Smit

Unlock the secrets of your life through the ancient wisdom of numerology with a
1-on-1 reading guided by me, Franco Smit.

A’ll help you navigate the delicate dance of numbers and their symbolic relationship to your life experiences.

In our personalized session, you’ll gain clarity and understanding of the rhythm and flow of your daily life.
I offer detailed numerological insights and a comprehensive report tailored just for you, illuminating how numbers influence your journey.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Liberate your days with the profound clarity that numerology can provide.

Book your session now and let’s explore the powerful connections between numbers and your life


ON A Spiritual

journey and Discover

the beauty of your inner nature

Understand the past:
Uncover the lessons of your recent and distant past through the guidance of your numbers.

Clarify the present:
Receive clarity and a numerological overview of your current life situations.

Shape your future:
Explore the potential paths your future can take and lay the foundation for your life’s highest dreams.

Clarity invites understanding.

Understanding is Freedom

…You are the master builder of your life…

20-Minute Reading

A quick look into your numerological profile for clarity and insight.
This Pocket-sized numerology reading is a wonderful introduction to what numerology reveals about mySelf.
During your 20-minute session:

  • Life Path number,
  • Birth Day number,
  • and Personal Year Number
  • + Giving insight into how that plays into your everyday life.
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During your 20-minute session, we’ll discover the key elements of your Numerological-Makeup:

  • Life Path Number: Understand the overarching journey and lessons of your life.
  • Birth Day Number: Uncover the unique traits and talents you were born with.
  • Personal Year Number: Gain insight into how the current year’s energy influences your life.

Franco will share how these numbers play into your everyday life, providing clarity and direction.
This short yet insightful session is perfect for those new to numerology or anyone seeking a quick, focused reading to better understand themselves.
Book your session now to unlock the mysteries of your numerological profile.

for 20 Minute-Reading

30-Minute Personal Year Reading

The Personal Year Numbers explain how your Personal-numerology relates to the universal numerology, Recognizing you as part of the cosmic tick…
The numbers will help you understand the opportunities and challenges that may come up…
Understanding Personal Year Numbers,  allows us to determine and clarify the activities of our year:
Revealing the trends, tendencies, and movements, of the current and coming year – allowing us an opportunity to flow with the energy of the year, making the most of our potential.

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Each personal year is part of a one-through-nine-year cycle, beginning when you are born and repeating after every ninth year.

Your personal year number in numerology is based on:

  • Your date of birth
  • And the year you want to know about. (now being 2024)

Your personal year number in numerology serves to give you a clear picture of the calendar year past, present, or upcoming.

For 30-minute Reading

30-Minute Life-Path Reading of Your Unfolding Future

During this session, we’ll explore your:

  • Personal Year
  • ChallengePinnacle,
  • Transits,
  • and Essence numbers.

This understanding helps pinpoint upcoming challenges and opportunities, allowing you to harness the energy around you and make the most of it!

Instead of fighting the currents, you’ll learn how to flow with them, ensuring you’re always moving toward your highest potential with clarity and confidence.

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In this personalized session, I will guide you through the delicate dance that makes up your numerological influences.

By decoding your Personal Year number, you’ll clearly see the overarching themes of your current year and how they align with your long-term goals.

Challenge Numbers:

Reveal the potential hurdles you may face, helping you prepare and strategize effectively. By understanding your

Pinnacle Numbers:

Uncovering the peak moments in your life allows us to fully utilize these periods of amplified potential.

Transits and Essence Numbers:

Offer a deeper insight into the subtle shifts in our life’s energy.

These numbers can illuminate the path ahead, highlighting the periods when certain activities or decisions will have the most impact.

My unique approach combines ancient Pythagorean numerological wisdom with modern intuitive practical insights.

My way provides you with a clear understanding of your Numerological-Blueprint and I share to receive actionable advice to navigate your journey with confidence and grace.

Discover how to ride the waves of your life’s everchanging energy!

You can transform potential challenges into stepping stones and pivot opportunities to their fullest.

Allow the numbers to guide you to a future where you thrive effortlessly, flowing in harmony with the universe!

Welcome to the essence of numerology, aligning with your highest self and unlocking the doors to your destiny. Book your session now and take the first step towards a brighter, more empowered future.


30 Reading
Unfolding Future

60-Minute Essential Numerology Reading

Unveil the mysteries of your Core Numbers in a 60-minute Essential Numerology Reading…
This session will provide you with deep insights into who you are and what your life purpose is.

Guiding you through your:

  • Lifepath Number,
  • Birth Day Number,
  • Expression Number,
  • Heart’s Desire Number,
  • Personality Number,
  • and Maturity Number.
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In this reading, I will delve into your Core Numbers to reveal profound insights about your true self:

  • Lifepath Number: Discover the overarching journey and lessons of your life.
  • Birth Day Number: Uncover the unique traits and talents you were born with.
  • Expression Number: Learn about your natural abilities and how to express them.
  • Heart’s Desire Number: Gain clarity on your deepest desires and motivations.
  • Personality Number: Understand how others perceive you and the energy you project.
  • Maturity Number: Find out how your experiences shape your long-term goals and aspirations.

Through these numbers, you will gain a deeper understanding of your natural talents, life lessons, and how to align with your true purpose.

My intuitive approach ensures that each reading is both insightful and actionable, empowering you to navigate your life’s journey with confidence and clarity.

Book your session now to uncover the blueprint of your soul and step into a future filled with purpose and potential.
Your personal year number in numerology serves to give you a clear picture of the calendar year past, present, or upcoming.

Essential Numerology Reading

1-Hour In-Depth Personal Life Path Reading

Unlock the magic of your true purpose with our 1-Hour In-Depth Personal Life Path Reading.

Your life’s purpose and mission have been coded into your entire being- together, we will uncover it using the wisdom of numerology.

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Your soul already knows why it’s here, what it’s meant to learn, and what it needs to achieve. But this may not always be clear amidst the motion and flow of daily life.
In this transformative session, I will guide you to discover the purpose of your current journey on this Earth plane. Remember, our occupations or jobs don’t always define us or our purpose.

Through this reading, I will provide a profoundly clear understanding of your life’s purpose and mission, the lessons you’re here to learn, and how to align with your true purpose!

Book your session now and step into the life you were destined to live with clarity, confidence, and a deep sense of fulfillment!


1-Hour In-Depth
Personal Life Path Reading

90-Minute Deep Dive Numerology Reading with Franco Smit

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery with our 90-minute Deep Dive Numerology Reading.
I offer an in-depth, comprehensive analysis of your numerological profile to provide profound understanding and guidance.

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Experience a live session that goes beyond the basics, delving into your Core Numbers and exploring the challenges and opportunities shaping your present and future.

Already had a basic reading? Seeking more insights?
Contact Franco Smit for a discounted rate! Reach out to me at


Deep Dive Numerology Reading


We will contact you directly to confirm the date and time for your reading via a 1-on-1 Zoom session.

In the confirmation email, for our reading, please provide your Date of Birth and your Full Name as it appears on your original Birth Certificate to receive an accurate numerology reading.
Your original birth certificate name is required – even if your name was changed after your birth.

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Personal Numerology Reading

The Numbers Will Illuminate Your Past, Clarify the Present, And Unveil Your Future